Didn't get a lot done in terms of writing last night. I was in one of those moods where anything could grab my attention away from what I was trying to do (I'm in those moods a lot, actually). I was looking through some things in the basement last night and found a disk that had my name on it...so naturally I was curious. Plugged it into the laptop and found about nine things from high school that I haven't seen since...well, probably high school.
In a way, it was like finding an old friend. It seemed familiar... the concepts were definitely mine but the writing was hilarious. It's amazing to look back and see how far I've come. I'm still working on getting some of my things posted on here, and maybe I'll throw in a few things from way back when just for a chuckle.
Also! Found a website linked from facebook. I'm not sure how legit it is, but it's called http://www.webook.com and it's an opportunity and read and anonymously rate first pages of other people's novels. I haven't uploaded anything yet, mostly because the fear of rejection is strong and something I'm working on getting over. But it is neat to browse through and see what other people are up to. And I'm not going to lie, some of them are really bad.
Well, that's it for me for right now. But I thought I might start posting what book I'm currently submerged in, and maybe what song I'm listening to that influences my writing.
Current book is Janet Evanovich's Two for the Dough. Still in an upbeat reading mood...finished her latest paperback release yesterday and wasn't quite ready to let Stephanie Plum go, so I'm starting on book 2 before moving on to something else.
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