Monday, April 12, 2010

Night writing

When I was younger and had trouble falling asleep, mom always told me to think of something I liked to do and imagine it until I was asleep. I remember the first thing I imagined was shopping. I think I was probably seven or eight, and I imagined that I was old enough to drive, had pierced ears and a boyfriend. In this daydream I was standing at a jewelery counter looking at earrings.
I'd like to think that some of my creative potential started there. However, a problem arose with this. Some of my best ideas come at night, when I'm trying to fall asleep. By that time, my computer is off and I don't feel like getting up, so most of my best ideas are gone by the time morning comes. But then part of me feels like maybe I was delerious when I was thinking these things up, and maybe they aren't as great as I thought.
And another thing, I always get the desire to write at the most inopportune times. At work, I'd love to write. But once I get home, nothing. Once I get going, I can type for the rest of the night, but it's just getting started that's difficult. I wouldn't call it writers block either, because I know exactly what I want to type. Sometimes I feel like it's a let down. I've had these characters imagined since I was in the sixth grade, and they've been my "happy place" at night whenever I fall asleep. After I get my thoughts down on paper, I don't go back and revisit things they've done. So part of my problem I think is parting with my characters.

I have issues, I know.

I'm thinking about doing my hair like the girl with the guitar. Let me know what you guys think. LOL.


  1. Sounds like me and music... I get some of my best ideas for songs when I'm in bed.

  2. No comment about the hair? You didn't even watch the video, did you? =P
