Tuesday, February 8, 2011

*taps microphone* is this thing on?

Yeah, so it's been a while since my last post. I'm sure we're all used to the break in posts so this is nothing new. Or newsworthy. lol.

School has officially started up again. It's a bit of a surprise, but I actually don't feel as busy as I did last semester, and I'm even taking more classes (same amount of credits, though). Maybe I just got used to the homework load last semester... but part of me feels like I actually have less work.

I've actually been doing some writing too! But mostly for the creative writing class. We're studying poetry. And I do mean studying it. We have a book to read and exercises to follow. There has been some heavy mocking of the book on my part because I've always thought if you have to be prompted by a book, it doesn't bode well for your creative tendencies. A couple people have said that they really like the book... so whatever works for them, I guess. I'm pretty sure I'm going to come across as a bitch in that class because I'm a tough editor to begin with... I'm really hoping people just aren't poetry writers. Which, I'm not either.... but goodness.

It also looks like I might be in a wedding before the end of the year.... won't say anymore on who or when until the proposal actually happens. But I'm starting to feel like the last of all my friends to get engaged. I still don't even have a boyfriend, for god's sakes. A couple weeks ago I had dinner with Jennie and I was telling her how I felt about being single and her response was "You have different goals right now. It's not like you won't ever find anyone, it's just not at the top of your list." I thought that was interesting. But maybe it's definitely not at the top of my list, since my opinion of being single seems to change with every day. But that's enough of the poor-single-me speech.

what else is going on? Not a lot. Haven't read anything interesting (yay, schoolwork!) haven't seen any good movies recently (do NOT see "No Strings Attached" with Ashton Kutcher and Natalie Portman. It is not good.) Wait, scratch that... I watched "The Lives of Others" about two weeks ago. It's a German film with English subtitles, which gets a little annoying because it requires more attention than any other movie I'd pop in and watch while multitasking, but it's totally worth it.

OH, and I'm totally fine about the Steelers losing the Superbowl. They didn't play like they wanted ring #7... so if they aren't bothered by it, I won't bother myself about it either. Honestly can't say I remembered much of the game... I was plastered by halftime. I remember when the score was 14-0, I laughed. Don't remember most of the commercials, either... but this one was my absolute favorite:

and not just because I'm a huge Star Wars dork, either. I love the father's facial expression towards his wife after he pushes the bottom to start the car, and I love how the little Darth jumps back. And now I feel like I'm sitting in one of my film classes analyzing the commercial. I'll stop.

Well, I'm gonna end the post now. Until next time!

...that one is because I'm a GLEEk =)

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