Wednesday, August 18, 2010

It's POSSIBLE she may have misunderstood us...

Interesting day today. If by definition "interesting" means getting to sleep in, arguing with my father about how I treat his mistress, deciding I'm finally going to talk to my mom about moving back in with her, then having my mom tell my dad that I want to move out (I actually wanted to be the one to tell him that), thinking the whole ride home from work that I was going to be having a huge confrontation when I got home just to get home and have him leave...

Anyways, finished In Cold Blood today. Capote is a genius. I will be renting the movie this evening to watch. I think either "Lolita" or "Rooftops of Tehran" is next. One and a half weeks until classes start.... ten books left to read if I truly want to get a jump start on the semester.



  1. :( Sorry about your day chick. Wish you were starting class with ME next week.... siiiiiiigh.

  2. I wish I was too! It would be nice to have a familiar class and a familiar teacher and a friend... but with how my life is blowing up, there just isn't time (or money) for it. =(
