Tuesday, August 17, 2010

She's fine most of the time

This will be a short post... I'm trying to convince myself that posting even the smallest posts are better than nothing.

Been reading "In Cold Blood" by Truman Capote. This is another book for school, but now I'm sorry I haven't read it sooner. It's excellent. Completely captivating. What makes it even more interesting is that this story is based off a true story. It's about a quad murder of a well liked Kansas family. They're all tied, gagged, and shot at short range with a shot gun. The only complaint I've got so far is that the first 70 pages is all about the family. Capote writes about them as if he actually met them. I'm not a fan of this because I know they all die and I don't want to get familiar with a family that's going to be killed.

What's also interesting for me is that before reading this story, I read a couple of his other short stories. I'm a huge fan of the movie Breakfast at Tiffany's and so I of course wanted to read the short story behind it. His writing style doesn't change from short story to novel, but it's just amazing to go from something that's so lighthearted to something so dark and still recognize the tone and description.

I can't wait to finish this novel and watch the movie.

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