Tuesday, March 30, 2010

A quick poem...

Thought of this driving home tonight...and FB (facebook) isn't letting me sign on to post it there...so it's being posted here first.

"Driving Home" or "Sometimes" (I haven't decided)

Sometimes when I drive home at night
And my path is dark and straight
But my mind is alive and wanders,
I look up at the houses as they pass by.
Some are lit up and welcoming
With shadowy figures moving across the windows,
Others dark and locked up tight against the night.
I like to imagine their lives
Or what their lives could be,
Or what my life could be if I lived there.
Then I drive on,
Never knowing.

Monday, March 29, 2010

*title goes here*

What happened to Spring?? Wasn't it 70 degrees last week? What's with this rain crap? lol

I'm staying in what can only be described as a very very large house this week. It could be a Mansion, but my idea of a mansion is a building with pillars and odd ball rooms that never get used and furniture that always looks new and prestine. The house I'm staying in has pillars inside in the family room, but all the rooms have a comfy, lived-in quality to them. Don't get me wrong...the house screams of money. There's a home theater and gym and the master bedroom closet is as big as my room... but its expensive in a comfortable way. And what's great is this is the kind of quality I'm trying to write about with my character in my books. She has money, but not in an obvious way. So I'm actually benefiting from this experience (as if being able to watching movies from a projector and work out in my own private gym weren't benefits enough... and the master bedroom shower...O...M...G....heavenly).

Anyways...just checking in and saying hello. So... Hi. haha

Have a great, albeit rainy, Monday!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Real life...

It was a BEAUTIFUL weekend, and I was lucky enough to actually go down to Alexandria and walk on the path along the George Washington Parkway which I use multiple times in my story "Collide" and also my second book, which hasn't been named yet. One of these days I just need to charge my laptop and sit down there along the water and type, because walking along the trail and watching everyone enjoy the weather gave me sooo many different ideas for the book. That's one of the great things about living near the area you're writing about. You can go to the places in your novel and draw inspiration.

I found a teenage couple walking along the trail that vaguely reminded me of Amber and Jason. Only, the boy was a little too gangly and the girl was Asian, so they weren't really perfect, but I was watching Platinum Wedding tonight and I totally found my Amber/Jason real life couple. They're below:

After I found them, I promptly text messaged Oliver freaking out... lol. It's just a surreal moment because you have this image in your head and then someone who's actually out there living fills it! And the groom's name is actually Jason.

*Congrats Jason and Gabriella of LA, CA. And thanks for brightening my day!*

Alright, freak out over, ha.

I hope everyone enjoyed their gorgeous weekends =)

Current Song:
All Time Low- Painting Flowers
This is from the Alice in Wonderland Soundtrack and I'm in love with this song. "When I wake up.... I want to see your face and know I made it home" Sooo ties into my third book.

Current Book (Haven't done this in a while)

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


We have a break in appointments at work amd i'm slightly bored out of my mind. And Gavin Rossdale's "Love Remains the Same" just came on the radio, which is one of the songs that gets me into character for typing....but i don't have my books at work, so I decided to get on here instead.

(typing one handed is driving me crazy, btw. and it's taken like five minutes just to type this much.)

I came across an image I really want to use in my story. A couple stops under an underpass to escape the pouring rain. It's pitch black out, just after nightfall but horrendous because of the rain. While stranded, they get out of the car and dance in the car's headlights. I'm pretty sure I want them to be drenched, like they had gotten stuck in the rain before they got to their car.... and I'm not sure if I want this to happen after a fight or just because. Maybe I'll use it twice for the series I want ti use it in... hmmm.

Okay...this has taken me like twenty minute to peck out so I'm done.

Current song (or what was on when I started...)

Love Remains the Same- Gavin Rossdale

hopefully that works. i don't have sound or flash on my comp at work. and i give up on proper grammar. lol

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Rainy Saturday

So I found out the other day that I have a tear in my rotator cuff and I have to wear a sling when I'm at work and whenever I feel compelled to do anything strenuous. So needless to say, my typing is taking a hit.

...so I ordered pizza today and when it came, I heard the delivery guy pull into the driveway. Rather than make him ring the doorbell, I met him at the door. Poor guy... he totally tripped coming up the stairs (We'll blame it on the rain) and went head first into the rail. The only thing that saved him is that he put his hand out so instead of hitting his head on the metal he just collided with his own hand. And of course, he would have been able to happily forget that, but I was waiting at the door and saw everything. Then, to make matters worse he gave me the wrong drink and had to come back and replace it.

I managed to not laugh at him until he left, but I can totally relate. That's something I'd do.

Well, I'm off to get ready for a sock hop. I'm going as a pink lady =) Have a lovely Saturday!

In honor of this rainy Saturday:
Rain- Breaking Benjamin

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Raise your hand if you love this weather!

Definitely having a hard time convincing myself to type because this weather is wonderful! I wish I had a long enough cord so that I could sit outside with my laptop....but I'm not so sure a lot of typing would get done.

I'm making progress with my editing. I'm typing a lot more and cutting/pasting a lot less so essentially I'm rewriting the entire novel...but with speed. I've been working on it the past couple of evenings and have 17 pages done. So...yay! Go me. haha.

Anyways, I'm back to editing! Have a B-E-A-utiful Tuesday evening!

Crash Into Me- DMB

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Journey down the rabbit hole...

Just got back from seeing Tum Burton's "Alice in Wonderland" and I have to say I definitely enjoyed it. Although, it was like a Harry Potter reunion. Alan Rickman did the voice for the blue caterpillar, Timothy Spall (Wormtail) was Bayard, and of course the always delightful Helena Bonham Carter was the Red Queen (did anyone else realize she was married to Tim Burton?? She's in a ton of his movies, and it makes sense to me now!).

The costumes were amazing...and I totally fell in love with Alice's red dress:
In the movie it was supposed to be made from curtains, lol. But I think that would be cool for a costume party, or something. 
However, I couldn't stop picture Johnny Depp as Captain Jack Sparrow (could be because he played a Mad Hatter and the link between his characters always seem to be insanity) and I think he was upstaged by Helena Bonham Carter and Mia Wasikowska. 

Anyways, now that I'm home, I'm going to ignore my hurting shoulder and do some typing! Happy Sunday evening! 

Current song:
I love the background music. I think its slightly eerie. =)

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Happy Saturday!

So unlike the typical 23 year old, I'm sitting at home in my sweats about to start typing, and I just thought I'd check in here. That's all, really...I know last time I said I was about to start editing, but I got distracted by something else, so I guess I lied. lol. I'm about to start FOR REAL, I swear.

Current book:

I'm really making my way through this series. It only takes a couple hours to read one and I totally picture myself as Stephanie (in more ways than just the fact we share a name).

Current song is: Cat and Mouse by Red Jumpsuit Apparatus

Cat and Mouse

This song haunts me, because it fits with the ending of my second book. I'm trying to work some of the lyrics into dialouge between Amber and Jason, but so far it hasn't worked out. Anyways, listen and enjoy!

...and now...I'm off to EDIT! I SWEAR!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Monkie makes it difficult to read.

Because really, the last two lines per page aren't that important anyways.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Edits bite.

So I finished my second novel....about a month ago. And was very eager to read back through it and make edits, because usually when I finish something, I've finished it just to get to the end and then I go back and add things and change things after I've seen where the ending is. But I've heard/been told that it's always best to let something sit for a bit and then come back to it.

So I let this book sit for about a week and then went back to edit it...but found it hard to get through. So it's been exceptionally hard to go back to, because I had no idea what to do with it. (I've just realized how many times I've started sentences with the word "so"). ANYWAYS, it's been sitting for a month and it's been bugging me because I need to do SOMETHING with it. But, to make a long story short, I've decided to slaughter the piece. I'm not starting completely over, but I've decided to copy and paste bits from draft #1 into draft #2 so that it will feel like starting on a clean slate.

But that's what I've been up to recently. Oh, and lots of reading. Still in my Janet Evanovich kick...made it through a bunch over the weekend! And I've been having dreams about Morelli, probably because part of me feels like I'm actually Stephanie Plum.

Happy Wednesday evening!

And, I'm trying to figure out how to get a sound byte onto the page so you can listen to the song that motivates me. For now, you'll just have to wonder. lol.

And as a later edit... guess there isn't a way to put it straight into the blog, so click the link and enjoy.
Collide- Howie Day

I love this song...and my first novel is called Collide =)