Tuesday, August 31, 2010

We don't need no education....

School started today. Should be an interesting semester.

Sports Documentary isn't as exciting as I thought it would be. I thought it would be more talking about forms of sports telecasting/reporting with sports programs assigned as homework, but it's a lot of watching movies and discussing how it affects the sports, how it's portrayed etc, etc. It's a 9am class, which is anything but early to me, but one of the girls sitting behind me came in and complained about how early it was and then the teacher said she "commended" all of us for picking an early class. Meanwhile I'm sitting there like "this is early??" Oh college students, you've got such a wake up call coming when you start in the real world. Especially since I've been thinking that if traffic settles down, I'll be able to sleep in until 730 on Tuesdays and Thursdays. lol.

My English 325 teacher is crazy. Very scatterbrained, but he seems enthusiastic about his job. Reminds me a LITTLE bit of Bob. Mostly because of his antics and scatterbrained tendencies. Today's class flew by, mostly because I didn't know what he was going to say next. What we were discussing wasn't even that exciting (yay, syllabus!) but he'd change voices and tell stories and it was just entertaining. Hopefully it continues the rest of the semester... it'll ALMOST make up for all the reading/paper writing I'll have to do. (I know I KNOW, I'm an English major... but damn there's a lot of paper's assigned this semester already!)

My English 202 teacher admitted that he's served time in jail about twenty minutes into class. He didn't want to be drafted during the Vietnam war, so he turned his draft card in and spent 18 months behind bars. He then proceeded to say "You might think I'm one of two things. Either I'm a coward, which is partly the case even though I thought my decision through very carefully and decided it was truly what I wanted to do; or that I'm crazy which might more hit the mark." I just find it ironic that he refused to go to war, but he's teaching a class on it. But anyone who admits that they're crazy less than thirty minutes into the first class is okay by me. haha. Course, then he showed about twenty minutes of Fahrenheit 9/11, so that kind of took away from the cool factor.

New receptionist starts at work tomorrow and I get to play trainer. Not too excited about this. The training part, I mean. I have no patience whatsoever and I'm going to have to dumb down my job (more so than it already is, because lets face it: how hard is it to answer phones, really??) so she can keep up. I learned the job in a day... but for some reason no one else has been able to come in and learn the ropes as well. We shall see...

I'm in love with this song right now. Interestingly enough, I read somewhere that B.o.B. and Hayley Williams have never met. Everything was taped and recorded in different places.

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