Thursday, August 26, 2010

Tired of playing ignorant because of you

I finished reading "The Quiet American" today. It's kind of funny because this book is the shortest out of anything I've been assigned, and so far it's taken me the longest time to read. I started it last Thursday and just couldn't get into it. I even tried reading it during some slow parts of the weekend and still couldn't get into it. Finally I picked it back up in earnest today and made it through to the end. It's actually not a bad book, just starts off really slowly. Around page 70 it finally picks up and gets interesting. There have been two movies made from it... both called The Quiet American. One made it the 50's and one made in 2002. I'm going to try and watch both before school starts because it helps me remember names and places. Also, I'm kind of tired of reading books that portray Americans as the bad guys. Hasn't someone out there produced a book in which Americans do well overseas??

Anyone else following the mine disaster in South America? Anyone else flabbergasted by the fact it's going to take MONTHS to get those miners out of the mine? Now, I haven't been watching the news, just reading updates about it on Yahoo, but that seems slightly ridiculous to me. Is it because of technology? Is it because they're afraid the mine will collapse? Is anyone else afraid that by the time they get to those miners there won't be anyone alive? I feel sorry for everyone involved.

Well... I'm heading to the bank (I got a refund check from Mason b/c the financial aid amount I requested is more than Mason costs a semester. I should probably give it back so that that amount doesn't grow interest... but I'm going to end up putting it towards my credit card bill since I used that to buy books and a parking permit.) and then off to Target because the kids (the cats) need to eat. And my stomach is reminding me that I do too...

found this while looking for a non creepy version of Coldplay's video (Chris Martin's teeth need work...). But I thought this was pretty fabulous. Coldplay's will be below... (okay, all the videos with the creepy teeth sections wouldn't let me post them.. but seriously, his mouth needed some work. Go to youtube and look it up...)

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