Saturday, March 6, 2010

Happy Saturday!

So unlike the typical 23 year old, I'm sitting at home in my sweats about to start typing, and I just thought I'd check in here. That's all, really...I know last time I said I was about to start editing, but I got distracted by something else, so I guess I lied. lol. I'm about to start FOR REAL, I swear.

Current book:

I'm really making my way through this series. It only takes a couple hours to read one and I totally picture myself as Stephanie (in more ways than just the fact we share a name).

Current song is: Cat and Mouse by Red Jumpsuit Apparatus

Cat and Mouse

This song haunts me, because it fits with the ending of my second book. I'm trying to work some of the lyrics into dialouge between Amber and Jason, but so far it hasn't worked out. Anyways, listen and enjoy!

...and now...I'm off to EDIT! I SWEAR!


  1. Since you are an aspiring author and friend, I have decided to do something novel...follow a blog. Consider yourself bookmarked!
    Barbara Bird
