Thursday, December 16, 2010


Why do films that are based off real events change substantial facts? Like names? I'm sitting down with Capote which I've only heard good things about... and I'm already annoyed that they've changed the names of Nancy's best friend and boyfriend. For anyone who hasn't seen Capote or doesn't know the storyline: the movie follows Truman Capote as he investigates the murders of the Clutter family in order to write his book In Cold Blood. We just read In Cold Blood in class so I'm very familiar with the story of the murders (not so much with his research of the incident). But Nancy's best friend's name is Susan (not Laura) and her boyfriend's name was Bobby (not Daniel). Why would you change something like that??? I would understand maybe protecting these people... but the film was made in 2005 and Capote's book came out in the 60's. Helloooo... their identities are already out there.

Also, Philip Seymour Hoffman reminds me of the kid who plays in A Christmas Story. If Capote was this annoying in real life, I don't see how Harper Lee was actually friends with him...

Alright, I'm done critiquing the film (damn my film class) and I'm going back to enjoy it (or at least try).

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