Saturday, December 18, 2010

New Pet Peeve

School is finally over. YAY! Exams officially ended for me Thursday after I submitted my final paper, but I think I might have mentioned that in my last update. ANYWAYS... I'm really excited because I've got a pile of books sitting in a corner that have been collecting dust since August when life blew up and suddenly I had more work than hours in the day. But now I get to pick up a book and read! For pleasure! It's remarkable!

...enter new pet peeve...

I picked up this book called Matched by Ally Condie because I'd heard it was good. When I was checking out at Borders the girl at the register even said something like, "Oh I want to buy this book I know so many people that have read it and just LOVED it." So I was really enthused. Maybe my problem is I'm still grabbing books from the Young Adult section, but this woman's writing is not any better than mine. In fact, I felt like I was back in a creative writing workshop as I started reading it. I read the first couple of pages and I haven't gone back to it because I'm a little jealous this woman managed to get published.

...with that being said, I'd like to point out to myself that I haven't actually tried to get anything published, so it's not like I can actually be bitter that this woman is published. Besides, it's all about who you know and maybe this woman knows someone. I mean, that's how Stephenie Meyer got published...

On a different note... went to see Tangled with Cammie, Becky and Beedge today. OMG it was so cute. It was Cammie's first time in a movie theater and she made it through 90% of the movie without a fuss. But the wonderful thing was, when she did get antsy, Beedge took her out so Becky and I could enjoy the movie. It's my new favorite Disney movie. No joke. It was adorable. I recommend that everyone go out and see it. Pronto. Twice.

Because it's a Disney movie there aren't any leaked portions on youtube... but that's a really funny fake ad and it contains one of my favorite parts...when her hair heals Eugene. =)

Happy Saturday!

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