Friday, December 31, 2010

Goodbye, 2010.

Usually around this time of year I'm all sentimental as I remember things that have happened over the past year. Not so much this year. It's kind of sucked.

Sure, some good things happened. I graduated NOVA. I got into GMU and I'm kicking ass there. But in other areas, it hasn't been so great.

I know people say it's pointless to make resolutions because almost no one follows through with them. But I have a simple resolution this year that hopefully will be easy to keep. Next year I will try one new thing a month, or do something outside my comfort zone. Next week I'm going to a gay bar with Baybhee and Ally, so January is covered. I'm talking to Tracy about letting me come out to visit her in Alaska so that should take care of May. I'd love to go skydiving (not sure that one will happen). But it doesn't even have to be things that are major. Trying a new type of food would count (people at work keep talking about Ethiopian. Doesn't sound fantastic, but it's worth a shot, right?)

Some things I'm hoping will happen next year:

First, I'd like to NOT lose anymore friends. October was a total blower because of Chris.
I'd like to continue kicking ass at Mason.
I'd like for work drama to go down a notch (or two or ten).
I'd like to start socializing more...which plays into the resolution.
I'd like to start eating healthier and exercising more so I lose some weight.

Well, I'm heading back upstairs to type before I go to dinner and ring in the New Year. Everyone be safe, and happy 2011!

For some reason, this song always makes me cry. But after watching the video, I want to spend next new year in London. lol

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